- Migrated Entity's file into attributes

This commit is contained in:
Dave M. 2023-03-23 15:09:42 +00:00
parent fa8adcace1
commit 43880eb428
4 changed files with 77 additions and 191 deletions

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@ -4,121 +4,78 @@ namespace Ulmus\Entity\InformationSchema;
use Ulmus\Entity\Field\Datetime;
* @Table('name' => "columns", 'database' => "information_schema")
use Ulmus\{Attribute\Obj\Table};
use Ulmus\Attribute\Property\{Field, Filter, FilterJoin, Relation, Join, Virtual, Where};
#[Table(name: "columns", database: "information_schema")]
class Column
use \Ulmus\EntityTrait;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_CATALOG", 'length' => 512)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_CATALOG", length: 512)]
public string $tableCatalog;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_SCHEMA", 'length' => 64)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", length: 64)]
public string $tableSchema;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_NAME", 'length' => 64)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_NAME", length: 64)]
public string $tableName;
* @Field('name' => "COLUMN_NAME", 'length' => 64, 'attributes' => [ 'primary_key' => true ])
#[Field(name: "COLUMN_NAME", length: 64, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public string $name;
* @Field('name' => "ORDINAL_POSITION", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "ORDINAL_POSITION", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public int $ordinalPosition;
* @Field('name' => "COLUMN_DEFAULT", 'type' => "longtext")
#[Field(name: "COLUMN_DEFAULT", type: "longtext")]
public ? string $default;
* @Field('name' => "IS_NULLABLE", 'length' => 3)
#[Field(name: "IS_NULLABLE", length: 3)]
public string $nullable;
* @Field('name' => "DATA_TYPE", 'length' => 64)
#[Field(name: "DATA_TYPE", length: 64)]
public string $dataType;
* @Field('name' => "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? int $characterMaximumLength;
* @Field('name' => "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? int $characterOctetLength;
* @Field('name' => "NUMERIC_PRECISION", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "NUMERIC_PRECISION", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? int $numericPrecision;
* @Field('name' => "NUMERIC_SCALE", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "NUMERIC_SCALE", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? int $numericScale;
* @Field('name' => "DATETIME_PRECISION", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "DATETIME_PRECISION", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? int $datetimePrecision;
* @Field('name' => "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", 'length' => 32)
#[Field(name: "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", length: 32)]
public ? string $characterSetName;
* @Field('name' => "COLLATION_NAME", 'length' => 32)
#[Field(name: "COLLATION_NAME", length: 32)]
public ? string $collationName;
* @Field('name' => "COLLATION_TYPE", 'type' => "longtext")
public string $type;
# #[Field(name: "COLLATION_TYPE", type: "longtext")]
# public string $type;
* @Field('name' => "COLUMN_KEY", 'length' => 3)
#[Field(name: "COLUMN_KEY", length: 3)]
public string $key;
* @Field('name' => "EXTRA", 'length' => 30)
#[Field(name: "EXTRA", length: 30)]
public string $extra;
* @Field('name' => "PRIVILEGES", 'length' => 80)
#[Field(name: "PRIVILEGES", length: 80)]
public string $privileges;
* @Field('name' => "COLUMN_COMMENT", 'length' => 1024)
#[Field(name: "COLUMN_COMMENT", length: 1024)]
public string $comment;
* @Field('name' => "IS_GENERATED", 'length' => 6)
#[Field(name: "IS_GENERATED", length: 6)]
public string $generated;
* @Field('name' => "GENERATION_EXPRESSION", 'type' => "longtext")
#[Field(name: "GENERATION_EXPRESSION", type: "longtext")]
public ? string $generationExpression;

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@ -5,131 +5,84 @@ namespace Ulmus\Entity\InformationSchema;
use Ulmus\EntityCollection,
* @Table('name' => "tables", 'database' => "information_schema")
use Ulmus\{Attribute\Obj\Table as TableObj};
use Ulmus\Attribute\Property\{Field, Filter, FilterJoin, Relation, Join, Virtual, Where};
#[TableObj(name: "tables", database: "information_schema")]
class Table
use \Ulmus\EntityTrait;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_CATALOG", 'length' => 512)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_CATALOG", length: 512)]
public string $catalog;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_SCHEMA", 'length' => 64)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", length: 64)]
public string $schema;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_NAME", 'length' => 64, 'attributes' => [ 'primary_key' => true ])
#[Field(name: "TABLE_NAME", length: 64, attributes: [ 'primary_key' => true, ])]
public string $name;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_TYPE", 'length' => 64)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_TYPE", length: 64)]
public string $type;
* @Field('name' => "ENGINE", 'length' => 64)
#[Field(name: "ENGINE", length: 64)]
public ? string $engine ;
* @Field('name' => "VERSION", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "VERSION", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $version;
* @Field('name' => "ROW_FORMAT", 'length' => 10)
#[Field(name: "ROW_FORMAT", length: 10)]
public ? string $rowFormat;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_ROWS", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "TABLE_ROWS", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $rows;
* @Field('name' => "AVG_ROW_LENGTH", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "AVG_ROW_LENGTH", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $averageRowLength;
* @Field('name' => "DATA_LENGTH", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "DATA_LENGTH", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $dataLength;
* @Field('name' => "MAX_DATA_LENGTH", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "MAX_DATA_LENGTH", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $maxDataLength;
* @Field('name' => "INDEX_LENGTH", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "INDEX_LENGTH", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $indexLength;
* @Field('name' => "DATA_FREE", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "DATA_FREE", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $dataFree;
* @Field('name' => "AUTO_INCREMENT", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "AUTO_INCREMENT", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $autoIncrement;
* @Field('name' => "CREATE_TIME")
#[Field(name: "CREATE_TIME")]
public ? Datetime $createTime;
* @Field('name' => "UPDATE_TIME")
#[Field(name: "UPDATE_TIME")]
public ? Datetime $updateTime;
* @Field('name' => "CHECK_TIME")
#[Field(name: "CHECK_TIME")]
public ? Datetime $checkTime;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_COLLATION", 'length' => 32)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_COLLATION", length: 32)]
public ? string $tableCollation;
* @Field('name' => "CHECKSUM", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "CHECKSUM", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? string $checksum;
* @Field('name' => "CREATE_OPTIONS", 'length' => 2048)
#[Field(name: "CREATE_OPTIONS", length: 2048)]
public ? string $createOptions;
* @Field('name' => "TABLE_COMMENT", 'length' => 2048)
#[Field(name: "TABLE_COMMENT", length: 2048)]
public string $tableComment;
* @Field('name' => "MAX_INDEX_LENGTH", 'type' => "bigint", 'length' => 21, 'attributes' => [ 'unsigned' => true ])
#[Field(name: "MAX_INDEX_LENGTH", type: "bigint", length: 21, attributes: [ 'unsigned' => true, ])]
public ? int $maxIndexLength;
* @Field('name' => "TEMPORARY", 'length' => 1)
#[Field(name: "TEMPORARY", length: 1)]
public ? string $temporary;
* @Relation('oneToMany', 'key' => 'name', 'foreignKey' => Column::field('tableName'), 'entity' => Column::class)
* @Where('TABLE_SCHEMA', Column::field('tableSchema'))
#[Relation(type: "oneToMany", key: "name", foreignKey: [ Column::class, 'tableName' ], entity: Column::class)]
#[Where('TABLE_SCHEMA', [ Column::class, 'tableSchema' ])]
public EntityCollection $columns;

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@ -4,45 +4,32 @@ namespace Ulmus\Entity\Sqlite;
use Ulmus\EntityCollection;
* @Table
use Ulmus\{Attribute\Obj\Table};
use Ulmus\Attribute\Property\{Field, Filter, FilterJoin, Relation, Join, Virtual, Where};
class Column
use \Ulmus\EntityTrait;
* @Id
public int $cid;
* @Field
public string $type;
* @Field
public string $name;
* @Virtual
public string $tableName;
* @Field('name' => "notnull")
#[Field(name: "notnull")]
public bool $notNull;
* @Field('name' => 'dflt_value')
#[Field(name: "dflt_value")]
public ? string $defaultValue;
* @Field('name' => "pk")
#[Field(name: "pk")]
public bool $primaryKey;

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@ -4,40 +4,29 @@ namespace Ulmus\Entity\Sqlite;
use Ulmus\EntityCollection;
* @Table('name' => "sqlite_master")
use Ulmus\{Attribute\Obj\Table};
use Ulmus\Attribute\Property\{Field, Filter, FilterJoin, Relation, Join, Virtual, Where};
#[Table(name: "sqlite_master")]
class Schema
use \Ulmus\EntityTrait;
* @Id
public ? string $name;
* @Field
public ? string $type;
* @Field('name' => 'tbl_name')
#[Field(name: "tbl_name")]
public ? string $tableName;
* @Field
public ? int $rootpage;
* @Field
public ? string $sql;
* @Relation('oneToMany', 'key' => 'tableName', 'foreignKey' => 'tableName', 'entity' => Schema::class)
#[Relation("oneToMany", key: "tableName", foreignKey: "tableName", entity: "Schema")]
public EntityCollection $columns;