[ 'picea' => [ 'context' => "Lean\\View", 'view' => [ [ 'path' => getenv("VIEW_PATH"), 'order' => 10, ], [ 'path' => implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [ $dir, "view", '' ]), 'order' => 99, ], ], 'asset' => [ [ 'path' => implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [ getenv("PROJECT_PATH"), "asset", '' ]), 'order' => 10 ] ], 'extensions' => [], ], 'ulmus' => [], 'tell' => [ 'json' => [ [ 'path' => getenv("META_PATH") . "/i18n", 'order' => 10, ], [ 'path' => getenv("PROJECT_PATH") . "/vendor/mcnd/lean/meta/i18n", 'order' => 99, ], ], 'php' => [ [ 'path' => getenv("CACHE_PATH")."/i18n", 'order' => 0, ] ] ], 'routes' => [], 'cronard' => [], 'taxus' => [ 'is_dev' => [ ' dev' => "Is a developper of this application or has the same rights" ], 'is_admin' => [ 'admin' => "Can manage almost everything in this application."], 'is_moderator' => [ 'moderator' => "Can moderate this application."], 'is_user' => [ 'user' => "Is an authenticated user."], 'is_anonymous' => [ 'anonymous' => "Is an anonymous user."], ], ], Lean::class => autowire(Lean::class), JavascriptMiddleware::class => create(JavascriptMiddleware::class), Cookie::class => create(Cookie::class)->constructor([ 'secure' => true, 'path' => getenv('URL_BASE') ?: '/', ], getenv("LEAN_RANDOM")), Session::class => create(Session::class)->constructor(get(Cookie::class), [ 'path' => getenv('URL_BASE') ?: '/', ]), SessionMiddleware::class => create(SessionMiddleware::class)->constructor(get(Cookie::class), [ 'name' => "lean_sess_" . substr(md5(getenv("LEAN_RANDOM")), 0, 12), 'path' => getenv('URL_BASE') ?: '/' ]), 'git.commit' => function($c) { if ( getenv("DEBUG") ) { return uniqid("debug_"); } $gitdir = getenv("PROJECT_PATH") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".git" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( file_exists($gitdir . "HEAD") ) { if (false !== ($currentBranch = file_get_contents($gitdir . "HEAD"))) { $file = explode(": ", $currentBranch)[1]; $path = $gitdir . str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim($file, " \t\n\r")); return file_exists($path) ? trim(file_get_contents($path), " \t\n\r") : null; } } return "gitless-project"; }, Kash\CacheInvalidator::class => create(Kash\CacheInvalidator::class)->constructor(getenv('CACHE_PATH')."/version.cache", (bool) getenv('DEBUG')), ];