filterServerRequest( $entityClass::searchRequest()->fromRequest($request->withQueryParams($request->getQueryParams() + ['limit' => PHP_INT_MAX,])) )->loadAll() as $entity) { $data[] = $callback ? call_user_func($callback, $entity->toArray($includeRelations)) : $entity->toArray($includeRelations); } return $this->renderJson( array_filter($data ?? [], function($row) { return $row !== null; })); } public function renderRawView(string $view, ?array $variables = null) : string { return $this->picea->renderHtml($view, $variables ?? [], $this); } public function renderView(string $view, ?array $variables = null) : ResponseInterface { return static::renderHtml( $this->renderRawView($view, $variables ?? []) ); } public function renderError(string $errorCode, ?array $variables = null) : ResponseInterface { return static::renderHtml( $this->renderRawView("lean/error/{$errorCode}", $variables ?? []) ); } public function renderDocumentation(string $filename) : ResponseInterface { return $this->renderMarkdown( file_get_contents(getenv("PROJECT_PATH") . "/meta/doc/$") ); } protected function redirect(string $url, int $code = 302, array $headers = []) { return new RedirectResponse($url, $code, $headers); } public static function renderNothing(int $code = 204, array $headers = []) : ResponseInterface { return new EmptyResponse($code, $headers); } public static function renderText(string $html, int $code = 200, array $headers = []) : ResponseInterface { return new TextResponse($html, $code, $headers); } public static function renderHtml(string $html, int $code = 200, array $headers = []) : ResponseInterface { return new HtmlResponse($html, $code, $headers); } public static function renderJson(mixed $data, int $code = 200, array $headers = []) : ResponseInterface { return new JsonResponse($data, $code, $headers); } public function renderPdf($rawdata, int $status = 200, array $headers = []) : PdfResponse { return new PdfResponse($rawdata, $status, $headers); } public static function renderDownloadable(string $data, string $filename, int $code = 200, array $headers = []) : ResponseInterface { return new DownloadResponse($data, $filename, $code, $headers); } public static function renderImage(string $data, int $code = 200, array $headers = []) : ResponseInterface { return new ImageResponse($data, $code, $headers); } public static function renderAsset(string $path, int $code = 200, array $headers = []) : ResponseInterface { return new FileDownloadResponse($path, $code, $headers); } public function fromResponse(ResponseInterface $response) { if ( $response->getStatusCode() === 200 ) { if ( $response instanceof \Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse) { return $response->getPayload(); } } return null; } public function asset(string $url, array $parameters = []) : string { if (! $this->picea ) { throw new \Exception("A picea object must be provided on class initialization to use this method."); } return $this->picea->compiler->getExtensionFromToken('asset')->buildAssetUrl($url, $parameters); } public function url(string $url, array $parameters = []) : string { if (! $this->picea ) { throw new \Exception("A picea object must be provided on class initialization to use this method."); } return $this->picea->compiler->getExtensionFromToken('url')->buildUrl($url, $parameters); } public function route(string $name, array $parameters = []) : string { if (! $this->picea ) { throw new \Exception("A picea object must be provided on class initialization to use this method."); } return $this->picea->compiler->getExtensionFromToken('route')->buildRouteUrl($name, $parameters); } public function json($data, int $flags = 0) : string { return htmlentities(json_encode($data, $flags), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } public function pushContext(FormContext $context) : FormContext { $this->contextList[$context->formName ?? uniqid("context_")] = $context; return $context; } public function context(? string $name = null) : ? FormContext { return $name ? $this->contextList[$name] : array_values($this->contextList)[0] ?? null; } public function isRoute(mixed $name, ServerRequestInterface $request) : bool { foreach((array) $name as $item) { if ( fnmatch($item, $request->getAttribute('lean.route')->name) ) { return true; } } return false; } }